1. Parents & Community
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

At Bessacarr Primary, we are very proud of our school and the sense of belonging that children feel by being part of our school community.  Wearing school uniform plays a key role in promoting the ethos of our school, provides a clear sense of identity and sets an appropriate tone for education. As well as this, one of our core school values, 'pride' is demonstrated by wearing the correct uniform to school each day.


Our school uniform consists of:

  • Grey trousers, school shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • White shirt or blouse


  • White or red polo shirt
  • Black flat shoes (not trainers)
  • Red & white checked summer dress

Embroidered school sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts can be obtained from Cliff’s in Doncaster town centre or from https://www.schoolwearsolutions.com/ but plain sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts can also be worn.


PE Kit (this should be worn to school on PE days)

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts (not cycling shorts)
  • Black track suit in colder weather
  • Pumps or trainers 

Please note that no jewellery except for watches and religious bangles may be worn. All other jewellery must

be removed for safety, including earrings*

*Children should be encouraged to have their ears pierced at the beginning of the summer holiday to allow time for healing. Those with newly pierced ears may have them covered with sterile tape during the period of healing. After this point, earrings should be removed.