1. Key Information
  2. Personal Development
  3. Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Bessacarr Primary, all of our staff beleive in promoting emotional wellbeing and positive mental health and take a shared responsibility for this. 


In school, our Inclusion Team work with children who have additional needs that cannot always be met in the classroom. This includes children with Special Educational Needs, Social and Emotional needs and children facing loss and bereavement. Mrs Stewart and Mrs Gore can also provide support to parents and are available to chat at the school gates most mornings. They can be contacted via these email addresses: emily.gore@empoweringmindsmat.uk or michelle.stewart@empoweringmindsmat.uk


Links for Parents

Doncaster Family Information services

Young Minds- Help for my Child's Mental Health

CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)

Keeping Children Safe Online